
A small black book with a emblem on it.
A small black book with a emblem on it.

 An object that holds great importance to my personal story of immigrating to America is my passport. The passport that I used when I first came to this country was a small blue book with the emblem of the Dominican Republic. Inside there was a small photograph of me and some other information to identify, such as my date of birth, country of origin, and much more. My passport is vital to my identity because it represents where I am from, and I have great pride in my nationality. It also important to my identity as an immigrant since it was one of the biggest factors to making my immigration from the Dominican Republic to the United States possible. My passport is connected to many special occasions such as seeing my father after a year when he came to the United States to work with my uncle to send money back to us so we could live with him. My passport is also connected to family vacations to Orlando, Florida and our return trip to the Dominican Republic to see family members we have not seen in almost a decade since we came to this country.

Place(s): Dominican Republic
Year: 2006

– Axel Nunez

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child