
In Attire

My item is a pair of pajamas that my Grandma made for me. It is made of cotton  and since it feels slippery my family calls them Slippety Slipety. I have more than one pair and I can't find many of the pairs so I decided to pick this one because it was my first pair so it is special to me because I would always wear it.This pair looks like it has a bunch of diamonds and its blue. 

My grandma made this for me for fun but it was really comfortable and she keeps making more for me but she doesn't know my size so…My sister also gets some because my grandma always remembers my sisters size. It looks like a button down sleep wear with golden lining on the bottom of the pants. I can relate to other people because my item is not from the U.S and mine is from Asia like a few other peoples item. My favorite part of the pajamas is the feel as they have really good fabrics in Cambodia.
I have a connection to Leo because his item is from Asia and Vietnam is right next to Cambodia.

– Liem

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant