My Mother's Necklace

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant

My object is a necklace.  It was made in Ivory Coast.  It's made of gold and any polished stones.  The history behind it is that my mother gave the necklace to my older sister for her wedding.  It's very important to my culture for a mother to dress her daughters the day of their weddings.  My mother comes from the center of Ivory Coast.  She is “Akan”; it's the name of an ethnic group in Ivory Coast. In 1984, when she was to marry my father, she bought many things to look beautiful the day of her wedding.  After her wedding, she kept her jewelry very well for her daughters.  The reason why my mother bought this necklace is because it has two colors, yellow like the sun, and brown like the soil: yellow, because it is the color of hope.  She hopes to see her daughters marry and be happy at their weddings.  My older sister and I used that for each of our weddings.  I think that my younger sisters will use it at their weddings.  That's why the necklace is so important to my family and me, because it was for my mother, and it reminds us about home and the wedding day, such happy days.

Place(s): Ivory Coast
Year: 2016

– Yenibe Coulibaly Epse Akadia

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant