irish soda bread

My artifact is a recipe for irish soda bread. Irish soda bread is from Ireland. It is used for brunch mostly on St.Patrick’s Day. Many Irish people use Irish soda bread. It is made of flour, current’s, sugar, baking soda, kosher salt, butter, buttermilk, 1 egg, and orange zest. I chose Irish soda bread because it’s a popular traditional from Ireland. My maternal ancestors come from Ireland. On St. Patrick’s Day my family makes a dinner of corn beef and cabbage, which is another popular Irish meal. We also have Irish soda bread to go with that tasty meal. My mother is part Irish and my father is is all Puerto Rican. They both are very proud of their heritage. They have taught my sisters and i to embrace our diverse culture.

Year: 2000

– Alyssa Rodriguez

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more