
  My object is a china doll from my great grandmother.  It is glass and very fragile.  It has a beautiful glass dress that is pink with flowers.  It looks like me with brown hair and pale skin.  It is used for show.   My great grandma or Gigi collected them. She got the doll at an antique store. After she died she gave each of her grandchildren one. When I was little, we would go to her house and she would show me the doll.  I would admire it and talk on and on about how I loved it.  When she died I was so sad.  The china doll helps me keep her spirit live on.  It is attached to my identity because my great grandmother shaped part of who I am.  Since my great grandmother gave them to my cousins to we all share a special connection.  We all loved her very much.  We would go to her house for Christmas and we would get Kentucky Fried Chicken for our dinner.  I always remember sitting next to her  and she would wipe my face.  I also remember her asking how I was doing in school and I would tell her as much as I could.  She loved all her grandchildren equally but she made me feel special. She would build my confidence and that helped me in school.  I mentioned this before but I loved her so much.  I will always remember her and the china doll will help me.  

– Lillian

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant