ancestors elephant

My object is a brown wooden elephant. It stands around 5 inches tall and was made in my grandpa’s and ancestors’ home country, Burma. It looks very similar to a real elephant but it it is more smooth. It is a 3D sculpture and is quite expensive in Burma. The elephant was bought by my grandpa to keep in his house to remind him of beautiful Burma on the day he left to America. I chose this object because now it is at my house and it reminds me of him. To this day my grandfather is no longer with me and that is why I value it so very much. Another reason I chose it is very peaceful and helps me get my mind off things that are stressing me out. This object shows me and my family how amazing our background culture is and where we come from and that we should respect the very people that put us in this position today.  Not only does it remind me of family but also friends, like my best friend William who left months ago. He is from a place near Burma so it reminds me of him too. Overall I love this object because it really reminds me of how far around the world we have come to be here today. It reminds me of where 25% of my genes are from. 


Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant