The Love My Grandmother

This necklace was given to me by my grandmother. I have been wearing it since I was 15 years old. There is a short story behind this necklace: my parents divorced when I was 13 and my sister was only 8 years old. My grandmother felt bad for us because she thought we were too young to accept that our family had been broken. My grandmother went to many jewelry stores and found two identical necklaces which she gave to us. She hoped that when worn them, they would bring us luck and good things. When I came to the U.S, I felt lonely and disappointed, but when I looked at the necklace for a while, I felt better and said to myself, Fight! You can win! Thus, this necklace represent hope, and luck. It also symbolizes the love my grandmother and I share.  

Year: 2013

– Katy Phan

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant