Vietnamese Bulgogi

Dish taught to my family by refugees
Dish taught to my family by refugees

 In the early 1970’s my grandmother and four of her sisters hosted refugees from the Vietnam War. They families they hosted were all a part of one large family as was ours, and throughout the years we incorporated into one huge family. They stayed with my family until they were able to gain citizenship and became prominent members in the Garden Grove community. The family has now expanded, is doing well in the community, and owns a large grocery store called Dalat in Garden Grove. My object is Vietnamese bulgogi because their family taught mine so much and we now have our own family traditions that we wouldn't have had without these refugees. My dad frequently makes it for us, and it is a dish he wouldn't have learned without their strong influence in his life growing up. They taught us their culture, language, and foods. They taught my family tolerance of all cultures and  immigrants for years to come. Even though they have not been around as much throughout my childhood, I still take the lessons they taught us and apply it to my every day life. They taught us that everyone has a story and something to offer you, you should always be willing to listen and try to understand that story, and that families aren't always who you're born with, a simple act of kindness can turn into an expansion of your closest family members. 

Place(s): Vietnam,California
Year: 1970

– Sarina Nichols

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant