
This camel back trunk held the belongings of my great-great grandpa, Jacob Kuntz, and his family as they traveled on ship from Germany to the United States in 1899. When they arrived on the east coast, my great-great grandma, Matilda did not pass the immigration health inspection because she had an eye infection. She was not allowed to stay in the country, so she and the children took the trunk and returned to Germany while Jacob Kuntz remained in the United States to establish a homestead. Matilda and the children got seasick going back to Germany, and in even worse luck their trunk was stolen. They lived with relatives until she got her eye fixed, and Jacob was able to earn enough money to send for them. 

Year: 1899

– Luke Swords

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more