Traditional Black Cake

My object is black cake. Black cake is made mostly for weddings and Christmas. My grandma made it the first time she came so every July tenth she makes it and my whole family loves it. July tenth is a holiday for my family because that is the first time my grandma came to America. In my country, people eat black cake when they celebrate birthdays or weddings. They also eat black cake on New Year's Day. There are many Carribean islands that have their own version of black cake. Black cake takes 2 hours and 20 minutes to make. Do you want to know how to make it? 1lb raisins,½ lb currants,¼ lb prune,1 cup rum,1 and ½ lb brown sugar. Also you need packed (3 and ¼ cups sugar). Also you may ½ lb butter,6 eggs, ½ lb flour ( 2 cups ), ½ teaspoon mixed spice (nutmeg cinnamon, cloves ,allspice).You may want ¼ lb peeled and chopped nuts. Black cake is one out of my favorite foods. Black cake is called black cake because it looks a little blackish. But when you cut the cake, it looks brown inside. My auntie does not put nuts she puts fruit. This is how black cake is special to my family.

Year: 1990

– Aaron Morrison

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant