Time for Tea

My object is a cabinet of teacups. There are ten teacups, each with a matching saucer. They have a beautiful dark blue floral print on the outside, and they are gleaming white on the inside. There are also two plates with the same pattern and a matching bowl plus a mug for coffee. They look regal and delicate. The teacups are larger than a regular teacup. Because they are made out of fine china, I am not allowed to take them out of the cabinet, but they are still marvelous to look at. These teacups and saucers have been passed down for four generations and they currently belong to my Granny. The original owner was my great-great-great- grandmother who bought them in Yorkshire, England. These teacups are really important to me, because they have been in my family for a really long time. The fact that I can see something that has been admired and used by generations of important people in my Granny’s life really means a lot to me. I hope someday I will be the owner of the teacup collection and that I can continue the family tradition of passing this collection down to the next generation of girls in our family.

– Madeline

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more