Three Kings Statues


My grandma has a statue of the Three Kings that she bought from Puerto Rico. As you can see above, the kings are made of clay and have turbans (Fabric, like scarves) on their heads. The colors of the turbans are blue, yellow and green. My grandmother told me that years ago, Christmas in Puerto Rico used to be a holiday called El Dia De Los Reyes (The Three Kings or The Day Of The Kings). When my grandma was little, she used to grab a shoe box (Any box really) and put grass or hay in the shoebox. Then the Three Kings came and took the hay for the camels, the three kings would put a little toy under your bed and go off on the rest of their journey. It’s basically like Christmas, put cookies and milk near your window or chimney and Santa will come and bring you presents. This object is important to my grandma because it reminds her of her tradition and how she used to celebrate her “Christmas”. I chose this object because it has a story behind it. It shows that Christmas wasn’t how it is now in Puerto Rico, now in Puerto Rico

Year: 1967

– Chelsea .A. Johnson

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant