Three Kings Bread

My name is Fernando. I live in the Bronx and my family comes from Mexico, and I like to eat hot things that remind me of Mexico and my family there. For me, food reminds me of the traditions that we all celebrate together. We always celebrate the three kings with my whole family on January 3rd. My family will come to my house to celebrate. When my family all gets together, we play some kind of game with a loaf of bread. The bread has a little king doll baked into it. We all pay a few bucks and everyone had to cut a piece of it and whoever gets the king in their piece has to bring food for the next party. If we celebrate, there is a cake for the kids and cake for the adults. The kids have to bring candy, the men have to drink to soda and drinks and the woman brings the food. It is a lot of fun and it is something that has a lot of history in my family.

Year: 2015

– Fernando Pantaleon

Relationship:  unknown unknown