The Wedding Picture

The momentous day had finally arrived. It was December 21, 1886, and Juliette Gordon was to marry William Mackay Low, the son of a family friend. The reception was to be held at Juliette’s family home in Savannah, Georgia. It was a bright, sunny day--perfect for the big picture the Low family was planning on taking after the ceremony. A few short hours later, the newlyweds along with their family and friends gathered together under the balcony out in the front yard of the Low house for their picture. The group smiled as the photographer squinted behind the accordion-style camera. A few seconds later, a bright light flashed from the lens, marking the memorable day with a photograph to last centuries. Juliette Gordon Low is my great-great-great aunt, and later became known as the founder of the Girl Scouts of America.

Year: 1886

– Flora Keene

Relationship:  unknown unknown