The Nummies

My objects are called The Nummie's. They are warm, soft, cuddly pink blankets that I sleep with every night. They make me feel safe and they remind me of my family. I have had them since I was a baby and since then I have never slept without them.  All six of my Nummies were made for me by my dad’s aunt when I was not even born.  One of the reasons they are so special is because they are homemade and NOT bought from a store. My dad’s aunt, Aunt Annie, lives in Michigan which is where I was born. We moved to St. Louis when I was 3.  Everyday I miss Michigan and my family who live there, but my Nummies remind me of them. My Nummies make me feel like I am in Michigan with my family. They remind me of my past.  My Nummies not only represent family, but also represent kindness. Right now my Aunt Annie has cancer so me and my sister, Izzy, sent her one of our Nummies to her to make her feel better. She made our Nummies that comfort me and Izzy when we are sick so we hope that our Nummie will make her feel better too. This story shows kindness. Whenever I look at my Nummies, I think of how kindness is an important part of life. My six pink Nummies remind me of my family and who I am. My Nummies represent family and being together. My Nummies remind me to always have family time. My Nummies make me feel safe and loved. My Nummies are like part of my family. 

– Samantha

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant