The Elf Book

My object is a book called ‘Little Elf’ themed around Christmas. It was given to me when I was about six as a Christmas present. The book is about an elf named ‘Little Elf’ preparing for Christmas. With the book there was a little stuffed animal elf. That elf was the cutest thing. Its blonde hair was sticking out of the hat and it had a green shirt, leggings, and elf boots. We would always have it with us when reading the book. On the first and last page there was a search and find, where you had to find the matching present, toy, or Christmas tree. Every Christmas morning, my parents would read it to me and my little brother. Reading this book became a Christmas tradition. This is important to me because being six, seven, and eight, I was so fascinated by everything. And I loved to be read to. It was a fun thing for everyone because we would race to see who would find the object the quickest. I remember the way my little brother's eyes would light up when he saw the book and the elf stuffed animal. Those were some of the best memories.  That book represents a part of my childhood. It represents some of the best Christmas’ ever. 

I connected to to Dade because his object was a Christmas tree which is related to Christmas, and my object corresponds with Christmas.

– Lauren

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more