teddy bear tedd

In Fun

My object is a teddy bear named, Tedd. He is a soft, attentive stuffed animal with two plastic eyes.  My grandmother was the original owner of Tedd.  Then she passed Tedd on to my mom.  When I was nine years old my mom passed Ted on to me. I was very happy and loved Tedd a lot.  He had an adorable, cute little nose.  Unfortunately, the family puppy was teething and bit his nose off.  He was made in America and has been in my family for three generations.  Tedd is important to me because it reminds me of my mom and grandma.  I decided to give Tedd to my little brother because I wanted to share the comfort that Tedd always gave to me, my mom and grandmother.  

– D

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant