Teddy Bear

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

This is a bear I have had since I was born. He slept with me every night and I love him very much. He is furry, brown, and cute and he is mine. He connects me to my family because all of my family has had a stuffed animal when they were little and Ted is mine. I have had him forever. The Chroma Technology Corp. (who worked with my dad) gave him to me. 

Another reason I love him is because I used to take him everywhere, from vacation to the kitchen. He used to ride in the car with me, and he even helped me get through the move when we came from Nashville. I remember seeing a picture of me holding my grandpa’s hand in one hand and Ted's hand in the other. It was really cute. It is a special picture to me because my grandpa is older and I don’t get to see him very much anymore.

 I always like to think about the book The Velveteen Rabbit. In the story the rabbit is sad because he doesn't feel loved. Then the girl sleeps with him because she lost her teddy. He sleeps with her every night and gets ratty and broken but then he feels loved. I like to think of Ted as my Velveteen rabbit. This bear is important to my mom, dad, sister, and me. We all have stuffies and we all love them and each other. He connects me to my family. Ted is mine.   

Year: 2006

– Casey

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant