Small Wooden Container

 My object is a small wooden container. It's made out of a light colored wood. The container is about the size of my thumb, and it has a twist off top, or you could pull it off, but that would be hard. On the top of the container there is a picture of a white duck next to a small girl with brown hair wearing reddish pink ribbon in it. She is wearing a red dress with a black apron that has little white flowers on it. Her and the ducks are standing in long grass with a blue sky in the background. On the top of the picture there is a word, Alsace. 

My mom bought this container in Riquewihr, France in 1995. Riquewihr used to be a town in Germany, but it cance into a French town during World War II. It is now in Alsace, France. My great-great-great grandpa, John Henry Lehman, emigrated from Riquewihr in Alsace in about 1870. He was a German-speaking citizen of France. His family were winemakers, and their company is called The Lehman Winery, and it's still running to this day. John Henry moved to Marionette, Wisconsin, to work in the lumber mills. I went to visit Wisconsin and I myself saw a lumberjack show, where some lumberjacks compete to be the winner of the competition, and they did things like climb trees and cut wood.

This object holds my family's history, and my brothers baby hair. I love the texture of the box and the picture, and I hope to visit The Lehman Winery in France in the future.

Year: 1870

– Leah

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more