Rubik's Cube

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

When I was 8 my dad bought me a 3x3 Rubik's cube on Amazon. When I got the Rubik's cube, I mixed it up, and I tried to solve it. At the time I couldn’t even solve one side. But I kept trying and trying to solve it. Eventually, I managed to solve one side! But that wasn’t enough to satisfy me. I kept trying and trying for years to solve the rest.  I watched Youtube tutorials, and I made more and more progress. Eventually, I managed to solve the Rubik's cube while watching Youtube tutorials - but that wasn’t enough to satisfy me. I wanted to solve it without watching Youtube tutorials. So I went back and started trying again. I threw myself at the Rubik’s cube again and again, and even though it was difficult, I never gave up. I eventually managed to solve the Rubik's cube! This object is important to me because me and my family value hard work, and perseverance, and good grades. This Rubik's cube reminds me to persevere, because I spent years and years trying to solve the Rubik's cube. I never just put it down and ignored it. I eventually managed to solve the Rubik's cube without watching Youtube tutorials. This object connects to my identity because I always need to never give up. When I feel like giving up, I always think of how I never gave up when I solved the Rubik's cube. When I think of how I solved the Rubik's cube, that pushes me, and makes me determined to persevere. 

Year: 2015

– Vincent

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant