Roasting Tin

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

This is my great great Aunt Reia’s roasting tin. When my great Aunt Reia bought this tin, it was painted a light blue. But My Grandmother, Nini, had one just like it. The Roasting Tin was used to cook large pieces of meat and potatoes.   In Ireland, every sunday there would be a sunday dinner. Now, Irish sunday Dinners were not like Italian sunday dinners. At Irish sunday dinners, you were only cooking for your immediate family. The Roasting Tin  was one of the only things My Mom brought with her when she moved to America. About two years earlier, my great great (and her great) Aunt Reia had died. At this time she was moving out of her house and becoming an adult. So, she was given the roasting tin because she would need to cook for herself.

Place(s): Ireland
Year: 2001

– Nora Crean

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant