
Relationship: Im/migrant

My object is called the Quran that my grandpa copied. My grandpa’s name is Naseer. The artifact is from Pakistan. My artifact is very special to me because since my grandpa is no longer with us, this is a way to remember him. My family and I can still can feel his presence through the Quran. The Quran has more than 900 pages and 30 Surah. It might have taken about 7 years to copy the entire holy book. We read the Quran every day. Even though my grandpa has passed away, My family and I still think he’s right with us. The Quran is made out of special paper and has a hardcover. In the front it says God’s name (Allah). The special paper is thin and easy to rip. The paper has Arabic words around it and the page numbers written in Arabic on top.

Year: 2009

– Zohaib Ahmed

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant