Puerto Rican Maracas

In Fun

My artifact is my maternal grandmother's maracas and it is from Puerto Rico. Here is a fact my artifact is over 20 years old. Did you know maracas from Puerto Rico is made out of fruits. My artifact has two shades of brown, a dark chocolate and a caramel tan. I think people from Puerto Rico play the maracas because they are happy people. Did you know that Native Americans of Puerto Rico were the Tainos. Tainos were often referred to as happy people. I think that Puerto Ricans now have that in their history and express themselves in music.My family is very musical. My mother tells me that music can change your life. She says that if you have bad day you can listen to a song and it can make you happy. I love music and dancing because it changes my mood.

Year: 2016

– Lesandro Grainger

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant