Photo prior to immigration

The picture above, taken right before our immigration to Brazil from South Korea. I believe my mom told me that right before this pic was taken, days before we were to leave to Brazil, I had wondered away from home and got lost. Mom always jokes that they almost left me behind. How my life would have been different if that was the case. We lived in Brazil for about 9 years, and then immigrated once again to the grand old US of A in 1980. And what a fork on the road that was, my family had just won the lottery in Brazil, life was looking prosperous, with a down payment in a brand new luxury condo complex, a thriving clothing retail business, me nestled in the most giving, loving and generous private schools. I think of how hard it must have been to leave that behind for the unknown of the promised land. But alas we crossed the ocean one more time. How grateful and privileged I feel to be able to call the USA my home. I am so humbled that I had the fortune to call the US my home. My dad's family, a good many of his immediate relatives, are still in North Korea. The day my dad was to leave North Korea (through the help of the US and British army), he was supposed to meet his mother, who was estranged from his household several years prior (banned by his powerful and wealthy father at a time and place where women were replaced for younger more obedient versions). And how he missed her and yearned to see her.

Year: 1971

– Yuki Cohen

Relationship:  unknown unknown