Passport, Cruxifix

Relationship: Im/migrant

My mother immigrated to the U.S. at a very young age in 1984 and my father immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 18 in 1988. My mother is from Guatemala City, Guatemala. She grew up in poverty in South Los Angeles along with my grandparents, my two aunts, and my uncle all in a one bedroom apartment. My father is from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Being an only child he migrated to the U.S. in 1988 in search for a better life. Upon arrival he was lost and was homeless for a couple days. Finding his way in South Los Angeles he reached out to family members who took him in. My father started to go to church a lot more when he first arrived. Fast forward a couple years my parents meet each other they both fall in love and marry a year after at a very young age. By going to church they strengthened their faith and also introduced my sisters and I to church. My parents as immigrants have both struggled but have done everything possible for my sisters and I. But God has blessed my family in many ways. Both my eldest sisters attend college. Also, our main hobby as a family is to travel. We have been to Mexico, Israel. Egypt, France, Italy, etc. My parents have both inspired me to be successful and to give back to those in need. 

Year: 1980

– Francisco Padilla

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant