Necklace and Samurai Helmet

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My object is a necklace from Beijing,China,Tabi from Japan,and a Kabuto(a miniature samurai helmet)from Osaka, Japan.I use my Tabi for my Taiko drumming.My family uses the Kabuto as a display for May fifth,which is boys day . The necklace is made of pure silver.The Kabuto is made of colored metal.My necklace was a gift from my great great grandmother to my great grandmother,which was passed down all the way to my mother, and then to me.This connects to my father who is German.He immigrated here in the year 2000.The Kabuto is from my grandmother.It is traditional that when a person has a grandchild, the person sends a Kabuto as a gift to the child ,as was the case with my grandmother. If my great great grandmother were still alive,I would ask her how old the necklace is,and how she got it. Although this may have just been a souvenir,it is still my most precious item.

Year: 2000

– Noah Boettcher

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant