My pet dogs

The dogs
The dogs

The dogs are very important to my family, and we love them very much. They are like family to me and my actual, biological family. Daisy (Yellow) and Pirate (Black and White) , despite their quirks and annoyances, can be the best dogs ever. Even when Daisy  poops in the house, she is still amazing, and even when Pirate barks like a maniac in the house, we still love them dearly. If that doesn’t make them important to me, I don’t know what will. They are like family to me. They might as well be my family, as I see them everyday, we play games with each other, and they are always happy to see me. I have also known Daisy everyday I have been alive. That seems like a family member thing to have known someone for everyday of your life, doesn’t it? I actually got to meet Pirate when he was a little puppy, and we probably took him home a month after we met him. As you can see, this object doesn't necessarily involve my schoolwork.

In conclusion, though my artifact may not be a run-of-the-mill great-grandparent’s item, but I still love them dearly.  Whether somebody else did a piece of clothing, or a doll, or a book, my dogs are still as important to me as anything. I am sure many other people can agree with me in terms of loving their pets very much, but anyways, my dogs connect with my identity because, I will say it again, but they are my family, my best friends, my worst enemies, and so much more to me. In addition to that, they are a part of my dog-loving families "culture".

Year: 2004

– Charlie

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more