My Earrings

In Attire

My object is a pair of earrings my grandma gave me. My earrings are made from diamonds. My earrings are about the size of m&m’s. They are pretty and shiney. They are even just pretty to look at-- I don't even need to be wearing them. I have not worn them yet. My earrings mean so much to me because my grandma gave them to me when I was a baby, and she died in 2009. So it makes me feel like I am still with her. 

This grandma is my dad’s mom. She was a really good singer. She was also a very kind person. I am not 100% sure what she died from. These earrings are really special to me because my grandma gave them to me and she has died. My earrings connect to me because of my grandma. They make me feel like I am still with her. I love this object even though I have never worn it. I love my earrings and I love her. 

– Cha Cha

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant