Mexican Dress

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant

My artifact that I chose to represent me and my culture is a typical Mexican dress. The Mexican dress is used for holidays. The holidays are: Cinco De Mayo (May 5th), Dia De Los Muertos (Day Of The Dead) Independence day (September 16) Dia De Los Madres (May 10) and Dia De Los Padres (June 19). The Mexican dress is important to my family and I because my aunt gave it to me. This dress reminds me of my family and my friends that are in Mexico. This dress is also important because it also reminds me of my great grandfather and grandmother. It reminds me of my Mexican culture that I am very proud of. This dress is handmade and woven from traditional Mexican fiber. It has many colors such as: pink, red, green, and blue.

Year: 2016

– Ashley Reyes

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant