
I am Israeli therefore the Menorah is very important to me and many other Israelis because it holds the story of Hanukkah in it. A Menorah has 9 candle holes, one to light up the rest, and eight for each day of Hanukkah. On each day after you light up one candle, you open one present, for eight consecutive days. Their is a story behind Hanukkah. Rome declared war upon Israel, the Israelis almost surrendered but they stayed in a castle and they only had a little bit of oil, so they thought it would only last for 2-3 hours, but it was enough to provide them light for eight days, and the attackers left, that is very important because if it wasn't for the eight candles then I wouldn't be Israeli. Hanukkah overall is a very special holiday to me because those 8 candles were crucial for the Israelis and I wouldn t even be Israeli if it weren t for those eight candles, and the Menorah is in the middle of it all, the menorah holds all the candles in place, and holds a story to it.

Year: 2000

– Skyler Liverant

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant