Laam (bracelet)

In Fun

This is the story of my bracelet and its connection to me immigrating to new york. Some people may notice me wear a silver bracelet on my right hand, and some will ask why do I wear it? do I wear it because of my religion? My culture? Or just because I want to? I had my first bracelet when I was at the age of 6-7 and remembered that I wear it because of my culture. When i was coming to New York at the age of 10 still had my first bracelet and I had it till I was like 12. When I was 12 my bracelet was too small for me and i couldn’t wear it anymore and It was sad because I had lot of memory with that bracelet and it use to remind of my friends, family and my country. One day after one year i couldn’t wear my bracelet, my sister back in Africa sent me a very exact bracelet of the one I had before but bigger and it just brought back memories, memories of when i was a kid back in my country playing soccer with my friends. Till that day I have this bracelet and this is why I wear it everyday.

Year: 2011

– Cheikh Mbaye

Relationship:  unknown unknown