handmade clothing

In Attire

I could make clothes for a long time already. In 70s, I was a teenager. I was living in a hard time. I didn’t have so much money to buy clothes because, clothes were expensive at that time. Because of that situation, I decided to learn to make clothes. I bought some clothing, books to learn, and then I went to the tailor’s shop to learn secretly. Then, I started to make clothes for my family. My family was very happy because making clothes save so much money. In order to have a better life, my family and I moved to America, when I came to America, I realized clothes and daily commodities are very cheap I don’t need to make clothes to save my money. At the same time, I can’t really make clothes right now because I am getting older, and my eyes are not as good as before. However, I still can’t forget about my experience.

Year: 1970

– De Rong Wu

Relationship:  unknown unknown