Hamsa Necklace

Relationship: Im/migrant

The object that I bought is a hamsa necklace. The hamsa is very important to Jewish people. People use the hamsa in two different ways. One way is for them to hang it up on their wall to protect their homes. The other way is to wear a hamsa necklace to protect you.You might be wondering how a Hamsa protects you and your home. When you wear the necklace it protects you if anyone is jealous of you. Jewish people believe that if someone is jealous of you then bad things can happen to you. For example if you have a really pretty bracelet and someone is jealous then bad things can happen to you.The hamsa also protects your home the same way as the necklace. So, if someone is jealous of your house then bad things can happen to your house, but if you have a hamsa then it protects your house.You might be wondering what a Hamsa looks like. A normal hamsa that you hang up looks like a hand, it’s big and it normally has words in Hebrew inside. A hamsa necklace looks smaller than the hamsa that you hang up and it’s normally blue, but you can get different colors such as red or green. You can also get it in a different design than a normal one.The Hamsa is really important to me because it represents my religion. My country of Israel Jewish people wear it. It’s also very important to me because it keeps me safe.

Year: 2016

– Yuval Braverman

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant