Guitar from my Grandpa

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

      The object is a guitar. It is from Puerto Rico. Music for Puerto Ricans is very important because we come from the Tiano Indians. Do you know that Tiano means to be happy? Another fun fact is that Puerto Ricans brought salsa to New York. In my family music is a big part of our lives. My grandfather played the guitar. I have it now and love to play music on it. It is made out of wood and a very thin wire or cable to play the songs.  It’s been part of my family for a long time. I chose it because it is very old and special to me. It was passed on to me and it's an honor to hold it in my hands. I think music can make you happy and bring fun to your life. So, this guitar is a symbol of fun times that have passed and are to come.  It teaches me that back then my great great grandpa was a builder and musician.  

Place(s): Puerto Rico

– Jayden Ebanks

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant