Friendship Necklace

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant

My object is a necklace that was made by my friends in Maine. It is a golden chain that has a little metal orb made of pastel purple, pink, green, and blue flowers. Beads are tied to the chain with fishing line. I was given this necklace because I was moving away. Each bead on the necklace has very important memories. For example, the red die is from one of my friends that I played lots of board games with. The amethyst in a silver cup is the bead I put in, and resembles me because purple is my favorite color and it kind of looks like a cupcake, and I enjoy cupcakes. There are other beads, but some of them don’t have personal meaning to me, but they are still very special. I chose this item because it is very special and has important memories attached to it

Year: 2016

– Samantha Anne

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant