Family watch

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

The watch belonged to my great grandfather, my grandfather and my father. The watch is nothing fancy, its like an old pocket watch, I don't even think it works anymore. It was given to my grandfather by his father after my grandfather got married, and then it was passed down to my father when he got married. The watch is supposed to be given to the first male in the family that gets married. The watch was finally brought into the United States by my father. When he crossed the border for a second time, with my mother this time, in the year 1991. By the early 1990s my father became a legal U.S. citizen. Around the same time my oldest brother was born. By the year 2000 my mother became a U.S. citizen. That same year I was born. I have only seen the watch once or twice as a kid. The most recent time that I have heard of it was when I turned 15. My father sat me and my brothers down and gave us a heart felt speech. And then said one of us will get the watch soon. I wish he would have shown it to us. Because I don't really recall how it looks like.

Year: 1991

– Gerardo Munoz

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant