Family Plaque

My object is a plaque, a family plaque it reads out “Familia Baptista”. This means Baptista Family and Baptista was my great grandmother's last name. It’s white, yellow, and blue, A very smooth surface but the back is very tough bumpy it is used for display and honor because it was my great gramma’s, and when she passed away that was all my mother wanted just the plaque. I don't have any holiday connections with the plaque but it symbolizes Portugal and my great gramma. It's special to me because it's the only thing that keeps me connected to my ancestors.

And my great grandmother's parents came from Portugal so it's a source of pride.  Sometimes we also eat brigadeiros which are a Portuguese candy and delicacy.  We give them away as gifts and enjoy them as a family.  They are made out of sweetened condensed milk, cocoa powder, and butter.  We roll them into a ball.   My mom also makes Portuguese rice which is another family recipe.  The plaque always been in the house every house we owned (2) it's been there and it's always on the wall smiling down on us and always saying “Familia Baptista” proudly.  

Year: 1913

– Madeira

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more