Family Picture

Has there ever been a group of people in your life that mean everything to you? Well, for me that group of people is my family. This is a picture of my family and I on Thanksgiving. They are my backbone, my support in everything I do. My grandparents are originally from Italy, but immigrated here to the United States early on in their lives. The rest of my family was born here on Long Island. All of my immediate relatives live within a few miles of one another and our families are very close. I am constantly around them, whether it be to celebrate a holiday, birthday, or just to get together for a Sunday dinner. My mom gave me this picture. They are extremely important to me because my family gives me advice and encouragement to succeed at everything I attempt in life. They are my biggest supporters. They inspire me to work hard at everything I do and hopefully someday have a wonderful family of my own. This image connects to my culture because I am Italian, and in the Italian culture people are very family-oriented.

Year: 1960

– James Cournane

Relationship:  unknown unknown