Family Jewelry

In Attire

My name is Destiny Huey. I am 16 years old. My dad is from Kingston, Jamaica. He lives in New York and was raised here. He has three daughters and one son. He brought all his daughters jewelry. This comes from my dad admiring all the females in his family and showing them that their names mean something important. When my 13th birthday came around, he gave me a necklace, earrings and a ring with my name and a heart and border. My mom never really lets me wear it unless I am going to a special event. She will never let me wear it to school because she always thought that I would misplace it. This just tells you how important they are to us. My father shared that when my oldest sister, Myava, was 13, he bought her the same objects. When my baby sister, Mynaysha had her 5th birthday, he purchased her a necklace with her name on it. Although my other sister Stephanie an I have different fathers, for her 18th birthday, she received a necklace and earring set with her name. This is important to me because it makes me feel connected to all my family members, and it is especially important because it is a gift from my dad. My told told me that my name Destiny is meant to meant that anything can happen.

Year: 2012

– Destiny Huey

Relationship:  unknown unknown