
Relationship: Im/migrant

This is an old backpack I use while I was a kid growing up in Mexico. My hometown has always been influenced by the American culture due to its proximity to the American border. And like many border towns, people immigrate to United States for working opportunities. This is also the same backpack I used when my brother and I came to the United States. Back then it contained some tuna cans, some tacos, water, and image of the Holy Child of Atocha. My family ever since has kept this bag throughout the years and it is now filled with all of my family’s important documents from our life in Mexico; birth certificates, property papers, immigrations letters and old pictures. In a way, it continues carrying a part of me, a part of Mexico and my journey of coming to America.

Year: 1998

– Edgar M. C.

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant