Eagle Necklace

In Attire

My object is my eagle pendant that my mom got made in Pakistan before she came to the United States. The meaning behind the pendant is freedom. This pendant is special to me because my mom got two of the same pendants made and one belonged to my cousin who passed away in August. This pendant is almost forty years old. 
The meaning behind the pendant is freedom. My mom felt that a lot of people used to judge my her hopes and dreams back in Pakistan. She always dreamed of coming to the United States and followed through with her dreams. 
My mom wanted me to not care what others say and be independent and follow my hopes and dreams. Her hope for me is that I never let anything hold me back. With that pendant and her advice I feel strong and confident and ready to take on the world.

Place(s): Pakistan
Year: 1980

– Eliyah Qadeer

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child