Dworzynski's From Poland

My objects are two pictures of my great-great grandfather, Theodore Dworzynski, and my great-grandfather, Matthew Dworzynski. Theodore Dworzynski was born on October 28th, 1878 in Poland (at the time part of Germany). He went to a Polish school taught by German teachers. In 1900, he married a Catholic lady named Elizabeth Dworzynski. In 1903, Theodore traveled to Belgium and boarded a ship called the Sriesland that was going to America. He was on the water for about fourteen days and finally, on January 21st, arrived in New York. From there, he took his wife to Staunton, Illinois. In 1908, they had a baby named Matthew, and they were a very Catholic family. The second picture depicts Matthew Dworzynski when he made his first Holy Solemn Communion. My grandmother gave me and my sister these pictures and we hold them very dearly in our hearts because they are a reminder of where our family comes from. These pictures are important to me for this very reason. When I look at these pictures, I see my family and our origin. 

Place(s): Poland,Germany
Year: 1903

– Caroline Ernst

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more