Drawing of a Church

My object is a drawing of a church. The person who drew it was my great-great grampa. The picture is used to look at, to believe, and to remember. It smells old. The frame of the drawing is smooth like metal. The frame is light silver and it has a glossy look. The paper looks old and a slightly yellow. The drawing is shaded with pencils and is about the size on construction paper. My great-great grandpa passed it down to his son, who passed it down to his son, who passed it down to my mom. She will pass the drawing down to me or my brother. For now, she is waiting until we get older. The object is important to me because it shows the art in my family and that my great great grandpa could draw. His son could also draw. My mom can draw great, and I am learning too. 

– Miriam

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more