Christmas Tree

  My object is a photo of a christmas tree. It has ornaments that me and my sisters made in preschool, and big red ornaments with sparkles.There are also snow globe ornaments with the green aliens in toy story.Then there’s the sparklie tinsel that goes around the tree. then the golden star at the top. The presents under the tree are either long and have red wrapping paper and a golden bow. Or they are shaped like a normal box with the same traits as the long presents. The Christmas tree links all of my relatives together on christmas. We love to celebrate Christmas because the look on peoples faces when they get the best presents in the world are awesome.
     This is important to me because some of my relatives can't come. usually it's because some of my relatives are  traveling because of  jobs. They always come to celebrate Christmas with all of us no matter what. It also means a lot to me and my family because I always help decorate the 20 foot Christmas tree with my grandpa and my grandma and other relatives. I also help set up the big plastic tree. First we set up the Christmas tree and my grandpa will use a ladder and climb up to the top to stack one part of the Christmas tree on another. After my grandpa and my uncles finish setting up the Christmas tree we start decorating. I look for the most interesting ornaments to hang up first. After I finish setting up the unique ornaments I put the bland ornaments on. Than my family takes a step back and looks at the tree. 

– Daden

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more