Christmas Lasagna


My object is a lasagna recipe. It is a recipe used by my great-grandfather who came to the United States from Italy. He fled Italy because of fascists. His name was Davoli, Salvador Davoli.  My grandfather makes the lasagna every Christmas. 

One package lasagna noodles     
Ragu Polpettine  Cooked Italian sausage Sliced genoa salami Sliced prosciutto Fresh mozzarella cheese Fresh ricotta cheese Grated Parmesan  Cook the lasagna strips in a large amount of boiling water, put into large bowl of cold water. Drain each piece, spread on wax paper and pat dry.  How to cook sausage into about 1/8 inch slices cut or break up the salami and prosciutto into small pieces. squeeze the ricotta cheese(in batches) in a double dishcloth to remove as much water as possible. slice the mozzarella cheese. Then with all the ingredients at hand, assemble the lasagna in a large two to three inch deep roasting pan. first Ladle in a coating of sauce and put down a layer of noodles, slightly overlapping the edges, cutting the noodles to fit.Use the largest pieces you have the piece it together best you can. add polpettine, sausage, salami, prosciutto, mozzarella and Parmesan and cover with a layer of sauce and noodles. repeat and covered with sauce. Bake in a 350-degree oven until warmed through and most of the liquid has evaporated. If the top is getting too dry, cover loosely with foil and lower to 300.When done let rest 10 minutes and cut and serve. 

Place(s): Italy

– Dmitri Wild-Arons

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant