

My object is a pair of candlesticks. These candlesticks were brought to America by my great great grandmother. My great grandmother, received these candlesticks from my great great grandmother, Esther Malka Singer. She brought them from Ukraine in April, 1906. She then passed them on to my great grandmother. Now, my mother has the candlesticks.. My mother uses these candlesticks on Friday when we celebrate Shabbat (the day of rest). The candlesticks come from Ukraine from a place called Czartorysk (Chartorisk). They are made of a metal called brass. They have a golden color and have a lot of intricate designs on them. They are caked with candle wax since they have been used by generations of people from my great great grandmother, to my great grandmother, to my mother now.In the Jewish religion there is a rest time at the end of every week, which comes every Friday. The evening of Friday we celebrate Shabbat. On Shabbat Jewish people celebrate our day of rest. We light these candlesticks and say prayers. This is a tradition that my family has done for many years and now my mother has the same tradition that she follows using these candlesticks.These candlesticks are very important to me and I am hoping they will be passed down to others in my family, from generation to generation.

Place(s): Ukraine
Year: 1906

– Lily Smrtic

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more