Camp Sabra

In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant

This picture means a lot to me because during this year at camp I bonded a lot more with my friends and I don't get see half of them till next year because they live in a different state than me. So I always have a picture to remind me of my friends. My friends are very important to me because they will always be there for me and they always make me laugh and when i'm around them I always have a smile on my face.

Camp makes me feel at home so when I go there it's like my second home and I always look forward for camp the next year. My friends are funny, kind, and fun to be around. Camp is a place where you can be yourself. Camp Sabra is a Jewish camp we have shabbat every Friday and Saturday. We also have focuses they are kinda like activities like… art, skiing, ropes, drama, and much more. And what we also do that's special, we go to big surf it's a water park two days before camp ends.

– Talya

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant