
In Attire
this is my bracelet
this is my bracelet

My object is a bracelet, everyday I look at my bracelet it makes me smile, this bracelet is from my grandma's camp, my  grandma got this bracelet for me because  I had always wanted to go to go camp. This bracelet is important to me because my Great Grandma gave it to me before she died. When I get home from school everyday I look at this bracelet and it makes the rest of my day even better. When my Grandma gave it to me she said hopefully you can go to camp one day, and I begged and begged and my parents and they said that we could go to camp.I found the same bracelet that she passed on to me, it made me cry. This object connects to my Grandma and me,because when she was young she had the bracelet too.This necklace has yellow orange background, and then in middle there is a sign that says love,  the rope is really colorful, my grandma personalized it with my favorite colors and I love the love sign on it.

Year: 1942

– Reagan

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant