Bible Box

The Bible Box
The Bible Box

This object is a bible box from my great, great grandmother. My grandmother recalls that the box originally belonged to great, great grandmother Annie, and was given to her when she moved in. This box was then given to my mom for a present, and is now being kept in her closet to prevent it from getting any more damaged than it already is. This box is filled with rolled up pieces of paper that reveal a bible verse when you unroll them. This item is very important to my grandmother because she used to keep a journal, and at the top of each page she would write the line of the bible she unrolled that day. When looking back she is reminded of her religion, and the thoughts she had. When it was passed down to my mother she would read a bible verse every morning. Now my mom and I enjoy reading different pieces of the paper. This box shows my family’s religion of Christianity, and has kept us in touch with our ancestors through the different generations, and is an important artifact in my family.

Year: 1865

– Julia Card

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more