
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My object is my family Bible. It important to me because I am Christian and also this is important to me is because I go to church and I pray regularly.                                                                                                                  I love this bible because my grandma  gave it to my mom when she passed away. My mom then gave it to me as a gift. The bible comes from Mexico where my family is from.                                                                                         My grandma got it when my mom was 10 years old. My mom prayed every day using this bible for my family.                          
It is important to my mom to because her mom really loved it. My grandmother used to put it in her bag and carry it with her so she can be safe. It is a traditional thought that when you have the bible with you, you are protected by God and no evil spirits can harm you. 
This bible is important to me and my family. We will continue the tradition of passing the bible down for generations to come.

Place(s): Mexico
Year: 2000

– Diego Tlatelpa

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant